Dungeon leveling allows you to earn a lot more gold in a shorter amount of time than questing alone. There are three ways dungeon leveling can help you earn plenty of WoW gold. The most basic way is the fact that you’re killing monsters much more quickly and efficiently. Each kill gives you a cut of the gold as loot, and party members take turns looting the kills. Simply selling all the trash you pick up from all of those kills will help you earn even more gold than you could by questing alone.
The second level of earning more gold from dungeon leveling is the fact that you’ll have more access to unique and useful items that can be sold on the auction house. If you don’t know how to use the auction house, then it’s definitely worth your time to learn, especially if you’re power leveling through the dungeon finder system. Creatures will drop cloth, gems, and other materials for various professions, and all of these will sell on the auction house. You increase the likelihood of actually seeing these items drop by going the dungeon leveling route instead of the solo questing one.
The third level of making WoW gold from dungeon leveling also involves the auction house, but it also requires that you have an enchanter in your group. If there’s an enchanter in the group, then you will have the option to “Disenchant” in addition to “Need or “Greed.” Selecting “Disenchant” is a great way to get enchanting materials and earn some extra gold on the auction house.
You can find out more strategies, and download a FREE Leveling Guide here - Free WoW Guide.
Happy hunting!
Happy hunting!
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